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MOTI User Story

At MOTI we love to receive feedback from our users, whether it supports our vision of the product or it contributes to new development opportunities to make it even better.

In this blog you can read about how MOTI contributes to the work procedure at Bytoften Bo- og Aktivitetscenter (Bytoften Residential and Activity Center) in Herning, Denmark. In the video you can see how easy it is to support a movement while measuring.

(Original Danish below)

“In Bytoften, joint measurement is a part of the professional toolbox. The physiotherapists in Bytoften use joint measurement as an assessment tool and for test/retest among others, to evaluate if the joint movement of a citizen has improved since the last measurement. Until now we have used a goniometer, but this is a very uncertain measuring method which is difficult to perform consistently each time. For several joint measurements it has also been necessary to be two therapists which is not convenient. By using the MOTI measuring device, one therapist has been able to measure joint movement, movement quality, and the proprioceptive sense hands free.

Besides that it makes the work a lot easier for the individual therapist, the measurements are also more accurate and reproducible.”

Kim Mønsted Rix

Physiotherapist & Professional coordinator

Bytoften Residential and Activity Center


"På Bytoften er ledmåling en del af den faglige værktøjskasse. Fysioterapeuterne på Bytoften bruger blandt andet ledmåling som et undersøgelsesredskab og som test/retest for at vurdere, om en borgers ledbevægelighed er blevet bedre siden sidste måling. Indtil nu har vi benyttet os af et goniometer, men det er en meget usikker målemetode, som er svær at gøre ensartet fra gang til gang. Ved flere ledmålinger med goniometer har det ligeledes været nødvendigt at være to terapeuter, hvilket ikke er hensigtsmæssig. Ved at benytte MOTI-måleudstyr har én terapeut håndfrit kunne måle ledbevægelighed, bevægelseskvalitet og muskel-led sans.

Udover at det gør arbejdet meget lettere for den enkelte terapeut, er målingerne også mere præcise og reproducerbare.”

Kim Mønsted Rix

Fysioterapeut & Faglig koordinator

Bytoften Bo- og Aktivitetscenter

If you are interested in getting a demonstration and trying out MOTI, contact us at



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