Thorvaldur Skuli Palsson

Thorvaldur Skuli Palsson is Physiotherapist at Apex Fysio and a Musculoskeletal Scientist at the University with a PhD in Musculoskeletal Pain. He is an approved specialist in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy and works with diagnosing complex problems in relation to muscles and joints and conducts scientific research. Thorvaldur is a co-creator in the development of MOTI.
Steffan Wittrup Christensen also co-created MOTI by assisting in the development of the technology. He is also a Physiotherapist at Apex Fysio and a Musculoskeletal Scientist at the University with a PhD in Musculoskeletal Pain. Steffan is an approved specialist in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy and works with diagnosing complex problems in relation to muscles and joints.
By having two scientists within the field of physiotherapy we ensure that MOTI’s performance is reliable. Further research is conducted to ensure that the product is in accordance to the gold standard of testing.
Steffan Wittrup Christensen

Rogerio Pessoto

Rogerio Pessoto Hirata is Biomechanical Data and Sports Scientist at the University with a PhD in Clinical Sciences – he performs scientific research and has expertise in motion tracking and the processing and reading of data in relation to movement. Rogerio is also a co-creator MOTI, his function is also to perform clinical studies with MOTI to ensure that the technology has a reliable performance is in accordance with the gold standard test.
Marie Cathrine Soele

Marie Cathrine Soele Madsen is an Industrial Design Engineer and founder of MOTI – she is experienced in systematic product development with a user-centered focus and project management – providing overview and structure to connect all the dots in the company. Marie has a high passion for solving problems in the best way possible through innovation and meaningful product development. She is very risk-oriented and makes important decisions based on facts. Left the company in 2022
Halldóra Auður Jónsdóttir

Halldóra Auður Jónsdóttir is an Industrial Design Engineer and founder of MOTI – she is experienced in systematic product development with a user-centered focus and 3D-modelling together with prototyping. Halldóra’s passion is for solving problems, using user-driven design to optimize time, ergonomy and reliability. She is stubborn – if you tell her she can't do it, she will most likely do everything she can to prove you wrong.
Halldóra is Icelandic, moved to Denmark in 2012 to study. The field of physiotherapy and rehabilitation has always been a part of her life as her mother is a physiotherapist. Halldóra has also experienced how it is to be client in rehabilitation and how hard it can be to keep the motivation as she was involved in an accident and got whiplash injury herself.